On the 15:th of August, Maria came to the Danish city Randers as a
missionary for The Animal Sound Society with the ambition to requit new
members. Randers is a province city, proud of its surrounding nature, it's
famous rainforest and zoo. Controversary, it is also as a headquarter for
Danish Crown, one of the countries biggest meat producers.
This live-streamed performance was part of Walking Landscapes, a
project by Metropolis and Københavns Internationale Teater, where
artists walk for 12 hours and perform along the way.
This live-streamed performance was part of Walking Landscapes, a project by Metropolis where artists walk for 12 hours and perform along the way.
The missionary that Maria portrays turns out to be a rather sad figure. We see her speaking without an audience, around people minding their own busines. The animals ignore her, and walk away.